Take advantage of the future - protect your knowledge!
Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie könnten mit Ihren Daten genauso einfach interagieren wie in einem Gespräch.
Mit unserem einzigartigen Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)-System vereinen wir die Intelligenz großer Sprachmodelle (LLMs) mit der Leistungsfähigkeit Ihrer eigenen Datenbasis.
Der U-KNOW SECURE DATA MANAGEMENT HUB revolutioniert die Art und Weise, wie Sie Ihre Daten verwalten und nutzen.
Egal, ob strukturiert oder unstrukturiert – unsere KI-gestützte Plattform ermöglicht es Ihnen, das volle Potenzial Ihrer Daten auszuschöpfen – nahtlos, sicher und vollautomatisiert!
Empower Your Future – Protect Your Knowledge!
Imagine being able to interact with your data as easily as having a conversation.
With our cutting-edge Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system, we combine the intelligence of large language models (LLMs) with the power of your own database.
The U-KNOW SECURE DATA MANAGEMENT HUB is here to revolutionize the way you manage and use your data.
Whether it’s structured or unstructured, our AI-driven platform enables you to unlock its full potential – seamlessly, securely, and with complete automation!
Empower Your Future – Protect Your Knowledge!
Imagine being able to interact with your data as easily as having a conversation.
With our cutting-edge Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system, we combine the intelligence of large language models (LLMs) with the power of your own database.
The U-KNOW SECURE DATA MANAGEMENT HUB is here to revolutionize the way you manage and use your data.
Whether it’s structured or unstructured, our AI-driven platform enables you to unlock its full potential – seamlessly, securely, and with complete automation!
Empower Your Future – Protect Your Knowledge!
Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie könnten mit Ihren Daten genauso einfach interagieren wie in einem Gespräch.
Mit unserem einzigartigen Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)-System vereinen wir die Intelligenz großer Sprachmodelle (LLMs) mit der Leistungsfähigkeit Ihrer eigenen Datenbasis.
Der U-KNOW SECURE DATA MANAGEMENT HUB revolutioniert die Art und Weise, wie Sie Ihre Daten verwalten und nutzen.
Egal, ob strukturiert oder unstrukturiert – unsere KI-gestützte Plattform ermöglicht es Ihnen, das volle Potenzial Ihrer Daten auszuschöpfen – nahtlos, sicher und vollautomatisiert!
Transparency | Knowledge Transfer | Data Protection | Talent Shortage | Future Direction
What is necessary to overcome the major challenges facing companies and organizations?
A well-informed and goal-oriented management in the interests of the entire organisation
A motivated and experienced team for a successful transition
Data basis and quality
Structure data from all relevant sources and make it usable in every respect
Information Security
Data Security and Data Privacy
Are you ready to take advantage of the enormous benefits that Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers?
Artificial intelligence acts like a prism that sheds the world of work in a new light
From a technical point of view, artificial intelligence (AI), especially Generative AI with the Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, Llama or Mistral, enables revolutionary perspectives and possibilities to bring about positive change for everyone involved.
The limits of the pioneering AI technologies
The use is only possible if the following areas are taken into account
Information Security
LLMs use your direct uploaded data to train their models
Context Window Limitations
Amount of data that can be processed
Hallucination and Bias
Distorted truth, challenging fairness and reliable decision-making
Transparency and Traceability
Accountability, trust, ethical practices, and informed decisions.
The U-KNOW technology intervenes at exactly this point, supported by an ecosystem that makes these innovative possibilities accessible
With U-KNOW you cover all important areas
Accessibility of your data
Connect all your data sources - structured and unstructured
Quality of your data
Prepare your own data base with automated data structuring
Preparation of your data
Let U-KNOW generate your own index and calculation data base
Protection of your data
No training of LLMs with your own data and secure infrastructure
How we recommend implementation
Book a web session with us on the topics that are of interest to you and your company in connection with AI
You give us feedback on which topics are of interest to you and your company in detail
Potential analysis
Our team carries out an AI potential analysis in consultation with you
Business Case
Our team presents you with the results, including the business case and ROI for the possible projects
You have a sound basis, including all relevant considerations, to make the decision for implementation